Summit Marketing Group
513 N. Justice St. Suite Code
Hendersonville, NC 28739
513 N. Justice St. Suite Code
Hendersonville, NC 28739
“ Since we started using Summit Marketing, we have felt like we really have someone watching out for us, 建议改善我们的业务,让我们的名字进入社区. 克里斯和玛丽贝斯真的很了解我们的需求,而且对我们作为小企业的预算限制也很敏感. 他们推荐的尿失禁广告为我们的实践带来了大量的新患者. 我们继续向他们寻求改善我们办公室营销的方法. ”
Deanna Ellis, Business Manager and David Ellis, MD, PA, OB/GYN
“ Before we worked with Summit, our marketing was always reactive. With their expertise and detailed marketing plans, we are actually proactive, and the numbers show its effectiveness. 他们的团队还让我们了解最新的社交媒体工具,为我们省钱, and that is always a plus! It’s great to have a plan and stick to it.For several years, I have also worked with Marybeth and Chris on fundraisers and non-profits, 他们总是慷慨地提供他们的商业资源和专业知识,使任何项目取得巨大成功. ”
Jeff Miller , Owner
Millers Fine Drycleaning
“ I have been in development for many, many years. 顶峰营销公司为皮斯加保护区开发的案例说明小册子是我见过的最好的. And I have seen alot of them! ”
Levoe Davis , Director of Development
The Pisgah Conservancy
“ Working with the Summit marketing team is just what our business needed. 自1995年开业以来,我们公司一直依靠口碑和声誉营销. 克里斯和他的团队用一种全新的、更专业的方法来扩展和发展我们的业务 & maintenance business. New logo, professional brochures geared to residential and commercial clientele, and direct mail has proved to be what we need in this down economy. 他们将营销计划与我们公司的特点相结合的能力非常出色. 对我来说,他们在开发我们的项目时的个人指导方法是有教育意义的, direct, timely and cost effective. Summit Marketing Group is a real gem to our business community. ”
Al Falzone , Owner
TPS Landscaping
“ 我很高兴能与顶峰营销集团合作,因为该县创立了我们的农业经济发展项目. Summit的团队在AgHC和南山Fresh的每一步都发挥了重要作用, our official brand for locally-grown Henderson County farm-fresh products. In addition to helping us name the initiatives, they created the brands, websites, collateral, photography and the marketing plan and budget, and even oversee the execution of the marketing plan and social media.我直接与他们团队的大多数成员合作过,发现他们在项目的任务和预算范围内非常敏感. Although not always within the scope of our projects, 我一直认为克里斯是一个宝贵的资源,可以为发展前景提供战略思路, 他对敏感信息的保密非常有信心. I highly recommend the Summit team in your search for a marketing partner. ”
Mark Williams , Executive Director
AgHC and Southern Mountain Fresh
“ 我们已经使用峰会营销专门为我们的营销和平面设计需要8年. We are very picky about details in our ads and marketing materials, Summit的团队在各种情况下都非常灵活地满足我们的愿望, without complaint. I highly recommend Summit Marketing! ”
Steve Johnson , Owner
Southern Alarm and Security
“ 克里斯和玛丽贝斯不仅在工作上是一流的,他们还成了我们的朋友. Starting a new business can be scary, 但他们的团队全程指导我们——从油漆和地毯颜色的选择、标志设计到使Heartland取得成功的营销计划——summit一直陪伴着我们. ”
Randy and Leanna Sain , Owners
Heartland Amish Furniture
“ I cannot praise Summit Marketing Group enough. 他们的客户十大赌博正规平台在线和他们为我生产的产品质量一直很出色. 顶峰营销的专业人士花时间去了解他们的客户, keep their customer informed of progress and in the end, produce a product that always exceeds expectations. ”
Julie Thompson , VP for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education
Blue Ridge Community College
“ 我们与Summit签订合同,在谷歌和Facebook上为我们的“亨德森县回收”项目投放广告, 其中包括鼓励居民购买打折的堆肥箱. Sales were lackluster until Summit’s strategic digital ad campaign launched. Our bin sales jumped from 60 to 360! In fact, we sold completely out. If you want to see results, go with Summit.” ”
Christine Wittmeier , Environmental Programs Coordinator
Henderson County
“ What started out as a quest to have a creative firm build a website, became a lasting partnership built on successful outcomes. 克里斯·伯恩斯和玛丽贝丝·伯恩斯把我们的医生召集在一起,了解我们75年历史的家庭诊所的核心是什么. 结果是一个Ask MAT品牌活动,专注于通过客户的眼睛传达我们的实践感受. 由于我们的营销努力,我们不仅每周都能看到新的病人, 但我们现有的病人不断告诉我们,他们非常喜欢我们的信息广告. 现在,网站只是一个延伸,已经成为一个非常有针对性和集中的综合营销举措. ”
Ginny Bradford , Practice Administrator
Medical Associates of Transylvania
“ We had a record year for thrift store and fundraising revenues. 将我们大部分的公关和拓展职能外包给顶峰营销公司每年可以节省数万美元. ”
David White , CEO
Western Carolina Community Action
“ With their knowledge of the region, the business community and media outlets, Summit Marketing是Flat Rock Playhouse的重要营销合作伙伴. From small executional projects to high-level strategic planning, they have consistently delivered beyond our expectations. 这使我们能够扩大我们的营销努力,包括每年在三个场地推广400多场演出和我们的YouTheatre教育计划. ”
Tom Thompson , Director of Marketing
Flat Rock Playhouse
“ I am a member of the Friends of Ecusta Trail board of directors, and the co-chair of the communications committee. 峰会营销在为这个社区团体——一个网站——开发创意材料方面发挥了重要作用, rack card, 横幅和其他设计紧凑的沟通工具——这些工具正在帮助我们朝着北卡罗来纳州西部一条神话般的绿道的潜在发展迈进. Summit cares about its community, 他是一个优秀的企业公民,这无疑给了“厄瓜多尔之友”一个凝聚力, professional brand. ”
Tina Kinsey , Director of Marketing
Asheville Regional Airport
“ 顶峰营销就像我们业务的自然延伸,创造性地与我们合作,制定和执行我们的营销策略和计划. We don’t make a move without the involvement of Summit’s expert team! ”
Paige Hafner , Executive Director
Henderson County Young Leaders Program
“ 亨德森县商会在多个项目上与Summit Marketing合作. 他们的团队投入了无数的志愿时间为商会和我们的社区十大赌博正规平台在线. From Chris as Board Chairman to Marybeth’s committee, annual sponsorship and board work, they have helped to make our Chamber a continued success. On a professional level, 他们帮助我们出版了一份广受尊敬、读者众多的商会刊物, Leading Edge. 我们与他们的项目仍在继续,我们期待着与他们的专业人员未来的合作. They have always been timely and a joy to work with. ”
Bob Williford , Chamber President
Henderson County Chamber of Commerce